TEA REVIEW: White 2 Tea – Duck Shhh Oolong – Yashi Xiang Dancong


Tea and origin: Dan cong oolong tea from Guangdong province, China
Twitter: @TwoDogTeaBlog
Facebook: White 2 Tea
Blog: White 2 Tea Blog
Link to Duck Shhh

Don’t let the name fool you, this tea tastes nothing like duck sh*t or resembles it.

Tasting notes

Dry leaf: Full, slightly twisted leaves

Wet leaf: Floral, sweet (berry-like sweetness)

Liquor colour: Floral

Liquor aroma: Rich, dark, golden-coloured liquor

Liquor flavour: Combination of sweet and floral flavours. It has a very light roast and                                     very light body. The liquor has a mild astringency, gives off a lingering                                   floral aftertaste and has a dry, yet clean, mouthfeel

Infusion method: Gong fu style with gaiwan or Yixing teapot                                                                                     5 grams of tea                                                                                                                                         150 to 200ml of water at 85C                                                                                                             5 to 7 infusions


I’ve heard of duck sh*t dan cong, but this was my first opportunity to try it. This tea has the lovely sweet and floral flavours that make dan congs special. It is, however, much more light-bodied than I’m used to in dan congs. This is not a criticism, as the aroma and flavours of this tea are complex and something to admire, but I was surprised because the liquor is quite dark.

Finding the perfect infusion method for this tea took a few attempts. Hotter water (90 to 95C) pulled out more body, sweeter flavours and more astringency. Cooler water (85ishC) produced a lighter cup but stronger floral flavours and less astringency. I preferred the later, but you should play around with this.

Retail price: 50 gram tin for $24.50 USD

About teaxplorer

I grew up in the Midwest of the US and was introduced to tea at a very young age - unsweetened iced tea, that is! It was not until my early 20s, when I was seeking a lighter alternative to coffee, that I took tea drinking to a new level. I still remember my mother suggesting that I try putting milk in a cup of black tea (something that actually sounded a bit repulsive at the time, but I gave it a go). I quickly became tired of supermarket tea and started ordering teas from shops and companies all over the US. Throughout my 20s and now into my early 30s, pursuits in higher education studies, work opportunities and marriage have given me opportunities to live in the UK, Canada and Germany and travel around the world, which has sparked an even greater interest in tea and the culture of tea. This blog is my outlet to discuss my love of tea and show off some of my photos. All images and opinions on this blog are my own, unless stated otherwise. I retain copyright on all photographs, but please do not hesitate to contact me at teaxplorer@gmail.com if you wish to reproduce any of my images. Likewise, if you would like me to review and photograph any teas for you, please get in touch. I would be happy to hear from you. Thank you for stopping by my blog, and I hope you return many times! Happy drinking! Drew B (@teaxplorer)
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